When we moved into our dreamy new home a few years back, or tiny kitten was the first to sniff out the new digs. (And yes, that is my kitten in a onesie.)
Here's my #OCDPetMom checklist for moving with your furry family:
1) Keep a week's worth of food handy in your quick-move in bag...along with the trash bags, toilet paper, and toothbrushes.
2) Be sure you have a sturdy, secure crate for your fluffy loved one. Put in a favorite toy and comfy blanket so they can hide underneath. They will likely be nervous!
3) You may want to look into natural pet anxiety products. My pets always respond to Rescue Remedy.
4) Seclude them from the chaos. A safe, quiet room on moving day will help keep them calm and stress-free.
5) Remember your pet first-aid kit: add a blanket or towel, your vet's phone number, gauze to wrap wounds or create a gentle muzzle, non-stick bandages with adhesive tape, cotton swabs, medicines. Ask your vet!
6) Pet-friendly lodging is everywhere! Find an accommodating hotel, and prepare a safe, covered spot for them in the room.
7) Car safety: Always secure your pet's carrier with a seatbelt if possible Please, don't leave them in the back bed of a truck or the storage area of a van, they can get seriously injured!
8) If you're moving out of state request a copy of your veterinarian records. Your new vet will find them helpful!
9) Change your pet's collar tag to the new address ASAP.
10) New home, new room: To help Bandit get acclimated, place all of his food, water, bedding and litter in one room at first. Keep doors and windows closed when you're not supervising, and be aware of small spaces: scared pets like to hide. One of my cats actually tore open the box spring and hid for 2 days!
With a little planning, and lots of gentle attention (& treats!) soon your fur babies will be ready to take over your new home!